Nespresso Belgium and the Embassy of Colombia to the Kingdom of Belgium, Luxembourg and to the European Union are pleased to invite you to the launch of the Caquetá revival coffee.
H.E. Felipe García Echeverri, from the Embassy of Colombia to the Kingdom of Belgium, Luxembourg and Head of the Mission to the European Union and Brema Drohan, Managing Director at Nespresso Belgium will bring you the story of how this high-quality and sustainable coffee was created in partnership with Colombian farmers, and the positive social and economic impact it created as a result.
The reception will feature a photo exhibition by renowned National Geographic photographer Rena Effendi, who travelled to the coffee farms to document the farmers’ stories.
Please register using this link if you would like to attend. Please note that spaces are limited.
The Nespresso Team
Email: nespressobelux@hkstrategies.com
Tel: 0032 476 563 861