The Ambassador of Colombia in Brussels, Sergio Jaramillo Caro, has the honor to invite you to the “Mesa de escritores: el paraíso perdido estaba ahí” (“Writers’ Table: Lost Paradise was there”) . It is organized in association with the Free University of Brussels (ULB), the Ministry of Education of the Embassy of Spain in Belgium and the Cervantes Institute.
The colloquium will take place on March 21 at 7:30 pm at the Cervantes Institute and will include writers Pablo Montoya, Flavia Company, Sara Mesa and Vicente Luis Mora.
Pablo Montoya
Pablo Montoya (Colombia, 1963), is a writer and professor at the Universidad de Antioquia in Medellín. His work includes story tellings, novels, essays, poetries and literary criticisms. He has published more than twenty books. For his novel Tríptico de la infamia he received the Rómulo Gallegos International Prize of Venezuela, in 2015 and the José María Arguedas Narrative Award of Cuba, in 2017. For his whole work, he received the José Donoso Ibero-American Prize for Literature from Chile, in 2016.
Flavia Company
Flavia Company (Buenos Aires, 1963) is a writer, journalist and translator. She was born in Buenos Aires on September 27, 1963. She lives in Barcelona since 1973. Her work, which is collected in several anthologies, has been translated in France, Holland, Brazil, Poland, Germany, Portugal, Italy and the United States. She has a degree in Hispanic Philology, translator, journalist, lecturer at the Escola d’Escriptura del Ateneo Barcelonés and of Literary Creation (short story) in the Master in Literary Creation at Pompeu Fabra University. She’s also done literary criticism such as Babelia or Quadern and collaborates with Página / 12.
Sara Mesa
Sara Mesa (Madrid, 1976) lives in Seville. Author of books of stories such as No es fácil ser verde (2009) and Mala letra (2016) and novels like Un incendio invisible (2011, revised edition of 2017), Cuatro por cuatro (2013, finalist of the Herralde prize) and Cicatriz (2015 , Ojo Crítico Award of RNE), all published in the Anagrama publishing house. Her work appears in numerous anthologies and has been translated in the USA, France, Italy, Holland and Turkey.
Vincente Luis Mora
Vicente Luis Mora (Córdoba, 1970) has published the novel Fred Cabeza de Vaca (Sixth Floor, 2017, Torrente Ballester Narrative Award), the aphorisms of Nanomoralia (Siltolá, 2017), the book of poems Serie (Pre-Textos, 2015 ), and essays such as El subjet boscoso (Iberoamericana Vervuert, 2016), or El lectospectador (Seix Barral, 2012).